The R2v3 (Responsible Recycling) Standard
The R2v3 Standard promotes responsible electronic recycling, focusing on environmental, health, safety, and security protocols. It advocates for a “reuse, recover, dispose” approach, ensuring materials are managed responsibly throughout the recycling process. The standard requires adherence to legal regulations and restricts the export of materials to countries that permit their import. Certification involves thorough independent audits, evaluating over 50 aspects of a recycler’s operations for compliance and environmental stewardship.

ISO 14001:2015 Certified
The ISO 14001:2015 family of standards offers a blueprint for companies aiming to organize and enhance their environmental management practices. Within this series, ISO:14001 stands out as the cornerstone, detailing the criteria for an environmental management system (EMS) applicable to organizations of any size. An EMS serves as a structured method for managing environmental aspects internally.

ISO 45001:2018 Certified
ISO 45001:2018 Certification represents a global benchmark that outlines methods to manage, reduce, and foresee risks concerning occupational health and safety. Adopting this standard underscores our commitment to prioritizing the well-being and safety of our employees, demonstrating a proactive stance towards workplace health and safety management.

ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Having ISO 9001:2015 certification signifies that an organization has established a quality management system that meets internationally recognized standards. This certification is a testament to the organization’s dedication to quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. It not only enhances the organization’s reputation and competitiveness but also demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement, thereby fostering trust among customers and stakeholders.

NJDEP Class D Facility
NJDEP Class D Recycling Center – The Class D Recycling permit enables the processing and recycling of universal waste and consumer electronics. NJDEP Enforcement Agents conduct random inspections to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal disposal regulations.

EPA Registered
EPA recommends choosing certified recyclers who have demonstrated to an accredited third-party audit that they safely recycle and manage electronics.